Components of the Topsportslab platform

What’s in our platform and how can it help you and your club or federation?

Your personalised platform

Customise our platform by your preferences

  • Add your own fields on athlete profiles and medical records
  • Introduce dynamic fields and expand on our forms
  • Create custom questionnaires and forms to gather data and report

Training & Game Module

Analyse and monitor your athletes

  • Plan and communicate your training and match schedule
  • Integrate third party heart rate and GPS data
  • Generate descriptive statistics related to athletes’ availability and performance

Medical Module

Centralise medical information

  • Collect and centralize all medical information such as diagnoses, rehabilitation schemes and medical screening reports
  • Register and track injuries, illnesses and physical complaints longitudinally
  • Generate descriptive statistics in accordance with the UEFA medical consensus statement

Self-report Module

Gather valuable training feedback from your athletes

  • Develop self-report questionnaires to ask for athletes’ feedback
  • Improve athletes’ compliance using trigger-based notifications
  • Detect relevant deviations in athletes’ feedback based on our analysis tool

Testing & Screening Module

Screen and benchmark your athletes

  • Screen and benchmark athletes on pre-defined and customisable physical, technical and injury prevention parameters
  • Benefit from more than 300 test protocols and benchmarks
  • Compare test results within or between athletes using multiple analyses tools

Performance Management Module

Monitor workload with advanced algorithms

  • Monitor and control the physical workload of your athletes
  • Analyse physical fitness, fatigue and determine game-readiness
  • Receive advanced warnings from our overuse indicator, giving you notice for a possible higher injury risk

Injury Prevention Algorithm

Identify risk factors in time

  • Display susceptible body zones in relation to injury risk
  • Develop preventive programs based on individual player profiles
  • Conduct pre-post comparisons in injury risk profiles to evaluate progress

Ready for monitoring your athletes?

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